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2015 I Veri, puu, paperi, liima, vaha / blood, wood, paper, clue, vax. Hight 6 meters, width 70cm.

Group exhibition Koolla on väliä at Exhibition Laboratory, Academy of Fine Arts 


Psykoanalytiikassa on mainittu toisen ihon käsite, joka edustaa suojaa ja kasvua haavoittuneessa sielun tilassa. Teoksessa toinen iho edustaa fyysistä arpikudosta, joka alkaa parantua, mutta on edelleen ruven tai prosessin muodossa. Iho ei ole vielä kasvanut, mutta paranemisprosessi on alkanut. Lopulta toisesta ihosta tulee uusi ihminen.


In psychoanalytics, the concept of the second skin has been mentioned, which represents protection and growth in a wounded state of the soul. In the work, the second skin represents physical scar tissue that begins to heal but is still in the form of a scab or process. The skin has not yet grown, but the healing process has begun. Eventually, the other skin becomes a new person.

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