"Because you left me here alone" -installation
2019 I valkoinen betoni, teksti, löydetty amme ja luu sekä vesi / white cement, text, used objects, found bone and water
Yhteisnäyttely Kissapalatsin puutarhassa, Casaprota / two artists show in a garden of Palazzo del gatto, artist residency program in Casaprota, South Italy
Vietin 1 kuukauden taiteilijaresidenssissä kauniissa puutarhassa pienessä kylässä nimeltä Casaprota. Tätä aluetta kutsutaan Sabinen alueeksi, joka on luonteeltaan täysin eristetty ilman julkisia yhteyksiä, vuorilla vain tunnin ajomatkan päässä Rooman kaupungista. Sabine -naisten tarina kulkee ajassa roomalaisten luomisen jälkeen, koska nämä naiset on varastettu roomalaisten sotilaiden avioliittomateriaaliksi aikoinaan. Sabine-naiset olivat kuuluisia kauneudestaan ja hedelmällisyydestään.
Näyttely koostuu kolmesta taideteoksesta. "Aaveen kasvot" on vedos talon vanhan viinikellarin seinän osasta, jossa keskiaikaisen kartanon Sabine henki kummitteli. Vedos on valettu ympyrän muotiseen valkoiseen betoniin. Toinen osa on kirje keskustelusta Sabine-naisen kanssa ja kolmannessa teoksessa "Miksi jätit minut tänne yksin" on käytetty rakennuksesta löydettyä kylpyammetta, täytetty se vedellä vanhan kalkitun navetan tilaan ja lisätty ammeeseen puutarhasta aamuyöllä löytynyt luu. Teokset ovat hyvin poeettisia ja kulkevat Sabine naisen tarinaa pitkin.
I spent 1 month in artist residency at beautiful garden in small village called Casaprota, 45 minutes east from Roma. This area is called Sabine area, completely isolated in nature without reach of public connections, on the mountains still only one hour drive from city of Roma. The story of Sabine women goes about in time on creation of romans since those woman have been stolen as marriage material for Roman soldiers back in the days. The Sabine women were famous for their beauty and fertility.
The exhibition consists of three works of art. "la faccia della fantasma" is a print from part of the wall in wine cellar of the house, where the spirit of the medieval mansion Sabine haunted. The print is cast in a circle moldy white concrete. The second part is a letter from a conversation with the Sabine woman, and the third work, "Why You Left Me Here Alone", uses a bathtub found in the building, filled it with water in the space of an old whitewashed barn and added a bone found in the garden in the early hours of the morning. The works are very poetic and follow the story of Sabine the woman.

"La faccia della fantasma / Face of the ghost"
Letter to Sabine Woman
This house is dream of a broken woman. Princess dances amongst the wolves, bambi looking for a man in wind. I have slept maximum three hours straight here as I sweated and saw several men enter her, watching, observing, disturbing. She's grying because with her was left the pain of men. Sabine woman, glorious and full of sensuality. Eyes, ears and mouth open to the world. I take several deep breaths and ignore you. Never think of the discomfort. That is human way to grow in sustainability, to adjust. I forget myself. I try to remember something I lost but now I see her. I know her pain because I felt it too. Nothing has really changed. We still absorb and digest the pain of this world and men. We still carry secrets of the universe through our blood, through our heart, through our birth. Sabine woman, I am with you, I embrace you and I understand you. I live you inside me. You are not forgotten, your suffering is not in vain. You are here just to remind us about this world. We have to let go. Our contribution is our purity and no evil can brake it. we are covered by god's grace.
C. Anne-Mari Alrsumi

"Letter to the Sabine Woman"